Urban transport management in Lagos, founded in 2003, has approved a strategic master plan for urban transport, which provides a very serious increase of transport networks in the city.
Based on the previous development strategy and the organization of public transport in Bogota, Master Plan provides the installation for the next 20 years and sees the basis of urban mobility system in public transport.
The new regional development plan for the Greater Toronto Area, including Hamilton, provides an ambitious change for public transport in the next 25 years. The plan includes the construction of 1,200 km of high-speed rail line, which is more than 3 times the existing network!
Mobility is one of the main criteria of efficiency of modern society. There is no city that today could not function properly without the public transport system.
Urban space is the property of the entire population of the city and public transportation uses it much more efficiently than the private car. Moving on roads public transport not only carries its passengers – it frees the road space to be able to use it all the inhabitants of the city.
Since the foundation of the Regional Transportation Authority in 1986, the number of passengers using public transport services in the Madrid region grew by 70%, while the population increased by only 25%.
Since the beginning of the 50s of the last century, the demand for energy for transport needs has increased in the world for five times. Transport accounted for 30% of total energy consumption in the EU and about 19% of harmful gas emissions on a global basis.
The scale of the current financial and economic crisis shows that it is – a global systemic crisis that requires comprehensive changes in all spheres of economic activity. This is the most opportune moment to encourage changes in society and to abandon the way of life, depending on the vehicle.