
Mobility is one of the main criteria of efficiency of modern society. There is no city that today could not function properly without the public transport system. Taking into account the real price of mobility to the community public transport is clearly the most cost-effective mean of achieving urban mobility, available at the same time for all segments of the population.


Public transport provides access to education, health care, economic activity and allows all spheres of social life to function effectively. Public transport is an important tool to connect citizens with low-income with socio-economic structure of society. This issue is even more important for poor countries, where the urban population is growing exponential pace. One of the first steps for the elimination of slums in poor countries is precisely the development of the public transport network. In addition, it is important to note that public transport becomes the preferred way to travel, regardless of the financial situation of citizens or the purpose of their trip. Moreover, the existence of a personal vehicle does not guarantee mobility, and the vast majority of citizens living in the ever-growing cities with their traffic jams are increasingly choosing travel by public transport.

  • Public transport brings people to their jobs, people of all income levels should have an alternative choice of affordable, clean and attractive forms of mobility. This choice can only exist thanks to the strict and sophisticated land-use policy.
  • Public transport brings people together, providing better social integration of all members of society, regardless of their income or place of residence.
  • Public transport improves the well-being of cities, increasing the level of security for all sections of the population and promoting maintenance of a healthier lifestyle.


When traveling by car you are 10 times more likely to get in an accident than when traveling by public transport. Thus public transport is clearly a safer choice vehicle. Drastic changes in the choice of means of mobility in favor of public transport will significantly reduce the number of fatal traffic accidents in towns and suburbs.


In the cities, where most of the movement is carried out by public transport, bicycle or on foot, such as Munich and Singapore, time of access to 500,000 jobs varies from 20 to 25 minutes. While in the cities, where movement is mainly used by private car, such as Houston or Melbourne, the same figure is within 55-70 minutes.