The “Tatra-Yug” company was the participant of Kazakh-Ukrainian business forum

On the October 8-9 in Astana with the participation of major Ukrainian and Kazakh companies and investors held a business forum, which was dedicated to the visit of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to Kazakhstan.

Participants of the event were ministers of the two countries, businessmen, government agencies and national holdings. Delegates presented the investment opportunities in their countries to foreign colleagues. Discussed possibilities of cooperation in the field of engineering, IT, agriculture, aviation, mining and other industries.


Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine invited Ltd. “Tatra-Yug” to participate in the Forum, as the company is the largest producer of tram cars in Ukraine.

As a result of meetings the company “Tatra-Yug” signed a memorandum of cooperation with JSC «KAZNEX INVEST». Under the agreement, Ltd. “Tatra-Yug” will take part in reconstruction and the creation of new tram lines in Kazakh cities. Kazakhstan is also interested in supplying Ukrainian trams and noted the high quality of tram cars “Tatra-Yug”.