The new regional development plan for the Greater Toronto Area, including Hamilton, provides an ambitious change for public transport in the next 25 years.
The plan includes the construction of 1,200 km of high-speed rail line, which is more than 3 times the existing network! This will sharply increase the accessibility – 80% of people in the region will live a maximum of two kilometers of rapid transit lines (compared to 40% today).
This plan envisages annual investment in public transport projects in the amount of up to 2 billion Canadian dollars. The initial investment in the 11.5 billion Canadian dollars already included in the current plans of the regional government.
It is expected that within the next 25 years to 26% of all trips to the work will be carried out by public transport, compared to 16% today, and that the number of passengers will increase by 130%.
As a result, pollution by public transport should be reduced by half.