Tatra-Yug has signed a contract to supply 15 trams to Alexandria (Egypt)

Tatra-Yug has signed a contract to supply 15 tramcars to Alexandria (Egypt)


In early 2017 the tender committee of the Alexandria Passenger Transport Authority has decided to give acceptance for the production of 15 articulated trams to Ukrainian company “Tatra-Yug”. This was preceded by a lengthy tender process, including a visit of a special Egyptian commission to the production facilities and inspection of Tatra-Yug tramcars. As a result, the quality and reliability of products has played a key role.

Thus, the Ukrainian manufacturer with 24-years experience in the production of tramcars on the largest factory Pivdenmash bypassed competitors such as Stadler (Switzerland), CRRC Corporation (China) and other large-scale producers in Europe and Asia and received the order to produce the rolling stock for the oldest tram system in Africa and one of the oldest in the world. The project is designed so that new, modern trams will be able to ride on the streets of Alexandria in the near future. The proposed tramcar will be made in accordance with all requirements of the Alexandria Passenger Transport Authority and in view of new technologies for operation in difficult exploitation conditions, including climate. The project is unique not only in technical terms, this is the first order in Africa this scale for the Ukrainian manufacturer of tramcars. It will employ about 250 Ukrainian companies, involved in the production process, improve the image of Ukraine, not only as an exporter of raw materials, but also as an industrial power.

The ceremonial signing of the contract took place on February 6, 2017 in Alexandria in the presence of the governor of Alexandria Reda Farhat and Ukraine’s Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt Hennadii Latii.

“This contract with Alexandria – is the starting point for Tatra-Yug for the dissemination of high-quality Ukrainian product in the MENA region. We are proud of the quality of our trams and of 95 percent localization of production in Ukraine, because it is thousands of jobs and huge contributions to the budgets of all levels to revive the economy of our country “- said CEO Anatoly Kerdivara after signing.